Simona Rahav N.D
Nutrition and Health
What are diets?
What is the difference between my method and a diet?
We all know and heard of many different types and methods of weight-loss diets: cabbage diet, Atkins diet, Weight Watchers, clinical dietitians etc. At its core, any weight-loss diet is a regime that is meant to decrease body-mass by creating a gap between consumed calories and used calories.
So why doesn't it work? Why most of us return to our starting point sooner or later??
Food disintegrates in the human body with the help of enzymes that exist in the stomach and the intestines. Foods that will disintegrate completely are the ones that will allow the body to maintain its balanced weight. Foods that will not disintegrate fully are the ones that will make people gain weight. When the body comes across a food that it doesn't know how to disintegrate (it lacks the enzymes necessary to digest that food) it turns this food to fat cells.
That is why it doesn't matter how many calories a certain food will contain, if the body is lacking enzymes to digest that food, it will turn to fat.
When somebody is over-weight, it means that their body is in a state of imbalance. When we attempt a weight-loss diet, we cause stress and deficiency to the body, which ultimately causes the opposite effect of gaining more weight.
Consumption of as little as 300 calories a day, from foods that the body can't disintegrate will still cause weight gain, as opposed to consumption of 2000 calories from foods that disintegrate fully that will not. That is why diets that are only based on calorie-count will lose effectiveness sooner or later.
The purpose of my treatment method is to balance the body – to strengthen its weaknesses and to add what it's missing. I do that with the help of foods and food supplements, while examining each patient's individual physiology and paying attention to their unique enzymatic structure, particular personal physiology etc.
I also believe that a menu should be adjusted to my patients schedule and routines. For example a patient that is spending long hours in thinking effort will need food that will nurture the nervous system as opposed to a person that engaged in physical labor, who will need a menu that fills deficiencies in his/her muscle tissues.
I believe there is no such thing as "healthy" food". Each person has their own individual needs both physically, mentally and emotionally and that is why there is such a strong connection between a person's physical and emotional state and their tendency to become ill.
Blood tests allow examination of a patient's physiology and adjustment of their menu accordingly. Then, when the body reaches a state of balance, the gain is doubled – improvement of his/her health state and weight loss.
My patients preserve their achievements for a long time, with the help of my "guidelines" that are meant to make sure that all the systems stay in a balanced state and continue to function synchronically in the future.
And most importantly – My method puts an end to calorie count and weighing. As long as you keep her guidelines there is no chance of gaining weight!